Info To Investors

Message to Investors:

You are probably reading this because, like thousands of others, including entrepreneurs, businessman, and investors, you are looking for good, solid investments with exceptional returns.

We can help you.To Investors Image

On this “crowd-funding” platform, you will find several investment opportunities listed by private companies and/or individuals.

They pay for these listings to bring them to you for your perusal.

They are not all the same, but typically, these listings will include the opportunity for investors/entrepreneurs, like yourself, to buy shares in a new [“i.e. still to be registered”] public or private company.

Or, in other cases, the opportunity to buy shares in an existing company, whose owners are looking for funding [and/or partners] to expand their operations.

Usually, the return on these investments is excellent with a low to medium risk.

A standard layout on each is as follows:


A short description about the company and its offer.

A LINK to download the specific company’s Business Plan [prospectus], where the owners explain everything about the company, its goal, profits, the why, the how, and the what.

This Business Plan should give you, as an investor, enough information so you can make an informed and preliminary decision to show your interest in this company or not.
Usually, to download the business plan, you will need to request a secure password that will be emailed to you. Your information will always be kept confidential and will never be shared. See our privacy policy on this, here.


On each listing is a “pledge share block indicator.” It shows investor interest in the company and the number of shares still “available.”

If you are interested in a specific listing (with the aim to possibly buy shares), you only have to do to use the PLEDGE BAR to indicate your interest and your level (amount) of interest (the shares you would like to buy IF everything pans out as you hope and imagine it would).

VERY IMPORTANT: This process to indicate your interest (and the level of interest) is an ABSOLUTE ZERO COMMITMENT pledge from your side.

It is nothing more than a first step to help the owners, who did the listing, to get a “feel” of the level of interest in their business ideas and plans.

If there is not enough interest in the business idea(s), the owners will probably decide not to move forward with their ideas and scrap their business plans.

On the flip side, if there is enough interest in their business plan [prospectus], it will be much easier for the owners to move forward.


If enough people (investors) make a pledge and the interest is big enough, potential investors (who made a pledge) will be invited to attend a private fact-finding meeting.

Typically, at this meeting, the owners of the Business Plan will introduce their ideas and business plan to the potential investors and discuss it in detail.

Usually, at this meeting, the owners of the business plan will be well prepared to “sell” their ideas to the potential investors and answer questions.

We think it is a brilliant way for private and independent investors to get involved in the inner circle management and discussions of the company BEFORE any commitment are made.

The steps when you make a pledge are as follows:

When you (investors) make a pledge, you choose an amount and click the pledge bar.

You will be re-directed to a new page, where you will be asked for your Name and Email.

That is it. No other information will be required from you and no payments are made. You make no promise. This is a ZERO COMMITMENT pledge.

The only reason you are asked for your email is so the owners of the listing can keep you informed (via email) on the progress they are making in setting up the company IF they get enough funding for it.

If everything goes well, you will be kept in the loop until the fact-finding meeting date is announced. At this point, you should receive a personal invitation to attend.

You only have to RSVP to show you are still interested [to attend the meeting] or decline the invitation, and this will cease any further interest from your side in the investment opportunity.

NOTE: Those entrepreneurs who list on this platform understand these rules and understand what is required from them.

The bottom line is: If they can’t keep your interest in their business venture and can’t convince you they are the right people for the job, then they probably do not deserve your investment.

“That is the name of the game.”

Here is how we see things: There are 1000’s of good business ideas in the world that have the potential to make life a little easier for everyone on this planet. Think about the car, a bicycle, a cell phone, the Internet, and a million other things.

Inventors and people with great ideas can get funding for their projects if they follow these three simple steps.

  • Spread your ideas and seek interest from potential investors.
  • Make an investor a trusted ally.
  • Make a trusted ally and shareholder.

It is up to the owners of the business ideas to make sure he or she impresses potential investors so much that they, the investors, feel comfortable and excited to make the investment.

Now, obviously, you, as an investor, can also say STOP at any time during this period of: Potential investor to shareholder. You only have to ask that your pledge be cancelled.

We have a very clear policy on this: In short, it is this:

Sometimes, things just don’t work out as expected…for one or both parties.

“NO – is – NO” and as professional individuals, there will be no hard feelings and no regrets – from either party.

Everything on this platform is to INFORM you and then give you the peace of mind to become part of something special.

But make no mistake: This platform was built for you – the investor.

The opportunities on this platform are invitations to investors.

It is an invitation to you to get involved with the company in question BEFORE any real decisions are made.

Some ideas are BIG [public company – LTD], some are smaller [private company – (PTY) LTD], and others may be partnerships (INC) or even co-ops***.

In terms of the company act, private companies [(PTY) LTD] may sell shares to associates, but not openly to the public.

That is why getting involved early is so important.

By getting involved with a company BEFORE it is set up (registered/incorporated) and before any final decisions are made on the Memorandum of Incorporation, interested parties (shareholders) can play a major role to insure the outcomes they seek BEFORE they make their final decision to invest.handshakeSMALL

THIS platform gives you, as an investor, the opportunity to show your interest in a specific company and then sit back and watch how everything unfolds and develops, taking no risk nor making any final commitment.

Remember, when you make a pledge, you do not commit to anything. All that happens is you go on the mailing list of the company and have the opportunity to watch it develop and grow.

We call it: You are at the natural “look-and-listen” stage. From this point, if things develop as you hoped, you will move to the “interested” stage; from there, to a stage of excitement and only then to a point of confidence and commitment.

If you like what you see, all you have to do is stay interested, participate if you like, and wait for the fact-finding meeting. By then, you will know enough about the company to ask the right questions.

If you don’t like what you see during this Potential investor to shareholder process, you simply say STOP and you move on.

Isn’t THAT what any potential investor wants?

Most potential investors want to be part of the decision making process AND they want to see how the future owners of the business ideas operate before they get to run their company with YOUR money

The simple fact is this: If you (as a potential investor) are not utterly impressed by the time the company is registered and the Memorandum of Incorporation is filed, then you simply say “STOP” and that is that – no pressure – no commitment – no payments.

We trust this long explanation of how this platform works gives you the peace of mind you were hoping for.
***A co-operative (also known as co-op, cooperative, or coop) is an autonomous association of people, united voluntarily, to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled business.